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时间:2024-04-27 13:16:37
1、时间不一定能证明很多事情,但它一定会让你看透很多事情。 Time may not prove a lot of things, but it will let you see through a lot of things. 2、难过怎么说的清楚,失落又怎能感同身受。 Sad how to say clearly, how to feel lost. 3、想把世界上很好的都给你,却发现世界上很好的就是你。 I want to give you the best in the world, but I find that the best in the world is you. 4、女人用友情来拒绝爱情,男人用友情来换取爱情。 Women use friendship to refuse love, men use friendship to exchange for love. 5、来时不惧风雨,去时何谓人言。希望成为这样的人。 Don't be afraid of wind and rain when you come, but what do you mean when you go. I hope to be such a person. 6、你当我透明的,我也不会当你是有色的。 If you think I'm transparent, I won't think you're colored. 7、原谅我捧钱一路飞奔而来,只为买辣条。 Forgive me for coming all the way with money to buy spicy bars. 8、孤独久了,感觉自己都有了仙气。 Lonely for a long time, I feel immortal. 9、失去的不再回来,回来的不再完美。 Lost is no longer back, back is no longer perfect. 10、什么都不说,不代表我什么都不懂。有一种忍让,就叫沉默。 Just because I don't say anything doesn't mean I don't understand anything. There is a kind of forbearance called silence. 11、我觉得你真的不是个合格的朋友,你还是改行做我老婆吧! I don't think you are really a qualified friend. You'd better be my wife instead! 12、我会成为更好的人,因为你,但不是为你。 I will be a better person because of you, but not for you. 13、数一下你背叛我的次数,就可以算一下我有多坚强。 Count the number of times you betray me, you can calculate how strong I am. 14、不冷不狠,不高不毒,女人高冷要么是天生,要么是人为。 Neither cold nor cruel, neither high nor poisonous, women are either born with high cold or artificial. 15、用爱生活,你会使自己幸福!用爱工作,你会使很多人幸福! Live with love, you will make yourself happy! Work with love, you will make many people happy! 16、和你在一起,真正尝到滋味的并不是舌头而是心情。 With you, the real taste is not the tongue, but the mood. 17、再牛逼的副驾驶都不如自己掌握方向盘。 No matter how powerful the co pilot is, it's not as good as mastering the steering wheel by himself. 18、你在我的世界里安然无恙,我在你的世界里故作坚强。 You are safe in my world, I pretend to be strong in your world. 19、明知道天要下雨就该带把伞,明知道不会有结果就请别开始! If you know it's going to rain, you should take an umbrella. If you know there won't be any results, please don't start! 20、吃亏是福,我祝你,福如东海。 Loss is a blessing. I wish you happiness. 21、那些无关痛痒的场面话,往往也只说给无关痛痒的人听。 Those irrelevant scenes are often only for the irrelevant people. 22、成熟不过善于隐藏,沧桑不过是有泪无痕。 Mature but good at hiding, but the vicissitudes of life is no trace of tears. 23、生活就是:生出来,活下去。 Life is: born, live. 24、我是哭了,但我绝不承认我输了。 I cried, but I will never admit that I lost. 25、人生伟业的建立,不在能知,乃在能行。 The establishment of great achievements in life lies not in knowing, but in doing. 26、见一个爱一个,不行就换下一个。 See one, love one, can't change another. 27、不要总以自己为中心,不是每个人都把你当人看。 Don't always focus on yourself. Not everyone treats you as a person. 28、我走得很慢,但我从不后退! I walk very slowly, but I never step back! 29、我的演技一定特别好,好到难过都无人知道。 My acting must be so good that no one knows when I feel sad. 30、其实我也会痛,只是你不会在意。 In fact, I will also hurt, but you will not care. 31、人,偶尔大醉一次,似乎无可厚非。醒来,就是再生。 People, once in a while drunk, seem to have nothing to blame. Wake up, it's regeneration. 32、不用你瞧得起,若有一天我崛起,连本带利还给你。 You don't have to look down upon me. If I rise up one day, I will pay you back with interest. 33、我是花心、我把心都花在了你的身上。 I am a flower heart, I spend my heart on you. 34、无论多大,都要热爱童话、英雄和魔法。 Love fairy tales, heroes and magic, no matter how big. 35、很邪恶的种子,往往开出表面很纯美的花! The most evil seeds often produce the purest flowers on the surface! 36、走错了就回头吧,趁天还没完全黑,趁你还记得来时的路。 If you make a mistake, go back while it's not completely dark and remember the way you came. 37、无论你今天要面对什么,既然走到了这一步,就坚持下去。 No matter what you have to face today, since you have come to this step, stick to it. 38、没事喝喝奶茶,帅哥一把一把。 Nothing to drink milk tea, handsome one by one. 39、不要对我说抱歉,因为我没有把握笑着对你说没关系。 Don't say sorry to me, because I'm not sure it's OK to smile and say it to you. 40、我嘴上说做人要低调,但心里想的比谁都要高调。 My mouth says to be a low-key person, but in my heart I think more high-key than anyone else. 41、三人省力,四人更简单,众人团结紧,百事能成功。 Three people save effort, four people are simpler, all people unite tightly, Pepsi can succeed. 42、想不开,就不想,得不到,就不要。 If you can't think of it, you don't want it. If you can't get it, you don't want it. 43、一般下课时的手机电量,就是你这科的期末成绩! Generally, the power of mobile phone after class is the final result of your subject! 44、世界上那些很容易的事情中,拖延时间很不费力。 Among the easiest things in the world, procrastination is the easiest. 45、两情若是缱绻,何苦各自天涯。相念不如相忘。 If the two love each other, why each end of the world. Better to forget than to read. 46、不要轻易评论我的好与坏,我没吃过你家一口饭。 Don't comment on my good or bad, I haven't eaten a bite from your family. 47、听着音乐,还是会难受,心疼,还是舍不得。 Listen to music, or will be uncomfortable, heartache, or reluctant. 48、伤感一类的情绪,是对短暂的生命的浪费,实在没必要。 Sentimental emotion is a waste of short life. It's unnecessary. 49、没有激流就称不上勇进,没有山峰则谈不上攀登。 There is no rapids, there is no bravery, there is no peak, there is no climbing. 50、虚情假意的人别跟我说对不起,你滚就是很好的道歉。 Hypocritical people don't say sorry to me, you go away is the best apology.





